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Politics and dating may not mix

Read the article to find out how the political climate is affecting how people date.

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Finding someone you share interests with and also have a romantic attraction to can be difficult at the best of times, but these days – with the world seeming to split along ideological lines – finding that special someone can feel like an impossible task.

In the past, controversial topics like religion and politics were usually avoided on a first date or when getting to know the other person, but recently it seems people want to know up front what the person they’re dating believes in. If their beliefs and opinions are too different, people may not want to waste their time on a relationship that might be likely to fail.

Why are political beliefs so important to some people when choosing a dating partner? Your political beliefs can be a reflection of your values and the things you think are important. If you don’t agree with your partner’s political beliefs, maybe you won’t be able to agree with their values either.

Internet dating sites have become an increasingly popular way to meet potential partners over the past ten years. According to the Pew Research Center, 15% of adults in the US have used an online dating site or mobile dating app. Some of their popularity may be because you are able to look at people’s profiles and find out about their likes and dislikes and political and religious beliefs. It can be a quick way to find out if there are enough things you share in common to make dating a possibility.

NBC news has reported that 70% of Democrats said that politics has affected their dating lives and 82% of them have said it was important for a person they date to have similar political views to theirs. After the 2016 election in the US, a number of new, targeted dating sites have sprung up catering to people who are looking for politically like-minded partners. For example, TrumpSingles.com is a dating site for Donald Trump supporters to find each other. Another site that caters to right-wing people is ConservativesOnly.com. Liberal left-wingers can look for love on sites like LiberalHearts.com and MapleMatch.com, which is a new dating site that tries to match Americans who are unhappy with the election result with liberal Canadians.

Some people can’t see themselves in a relationship with someone who has beliefs and values that are completely different from their own. There are some people, however, who don’t mind having a partner with different political beliefs. Some couples may even say it makes their relationship stronger and their political beliefs clearer. One of the benefits of dating someone with different political beliefs, and being able to talk about them, is it will give you a broader view of political issues and not just hear your own opinions repeated back to you.

Most couples will not agree on everything but if disagreement and debate can be done with respect, it might be interesting and educational to date someone with different views from your own.

Finding someone you share interests with, and also want to date, can be difficult at the best of times, but these days – with so much worry about politics in the world – finding that special someone can feel impossible.

In the past, people tried not to talk about subjects like politics on a first date, or when getting to know the other person, but recently it seems people want to know from the start what the person they’re dating believes in. If their views are too different, people may not want to spend their time dating someone they will probably break up with.

Why are political views so important to some people when choosing someone to date? Your political views can show what kinds of things you think are important. If you don’t agree with someone’s political views, maybe you won’t be able to agree with other important things either.

Over the past 10 years, internet dating sites have become a popular way to meet people. The Pew Research Center reports that 15% of adults in the US have used an online dating site or mobile dating app. These sites may be popular because you are able to look at what people write about themselves and find out about their likes and dislikes and political views. It can be a fast way to find out if there are enough things you share in common to make dating a possibility.

NBC news has reported that 70% of Democrats said that politics has affected their dating lives and 82% of them have said it was important for a person they date to have similar political views to theirs. After the 2016 election in the US, a number of new dating sites have started up for people who are looking for someone who thinks the same way they do. For example, TrumpSingles.com is a dating site for people who voted for Donald Trump to find each other. Another site for right-wing people is ConservativesOnly.com. Left-wingers can look for love on sites like LiberalHearts.com and MapleMatch.com, which is a new dating site that tries to match Americans who are unhappy with the election result with Canadians.

Some people can’t see themselves dating someone who has views that are very different from their own. There are some people, however, who don’t mind dating someone with different political views. Some people may even say it makes their relationship stronger and their political views clearer. One of the good things about dating someone with different political views, and being able to talk about them, is it will give you a wider view of political subjects and a different view of things.

Most people who are dating will not agree on everything but if they can disagree with respect, it might be interesting and educational to date someone with different views from your own.


at the best of times (条件などが)最高に良い時でも
split along ideological lines イデオロギーの境界線に沿って分裂する
recently 最近、近頃

“recently” や “these days” の違いって?

up front 前もって


例:I’d like to know the price up front.
類義語:beforehand, ahead of time

reflection 反映
increasingly ますます
potential partner(s)  (発展の)見込みのある相手

“potential” は「可能性のある、見込みのある」という意味なので、記事中では今後関係が進展する可能性がある恋愛相手、という意味になります。また “potential partner” は恋愛の相手のみでなく、ビジネスの対象やパートナーなどにも使うことができます。
なお同様の表現として「潜在顧客」を意味する “potential client”、 “potential customer” などが挙げられます。

例:I haven’t met any potential business partners at this convention.

spring up (突然)出現する


例:Look at all of the new shops springing up along this street!
類義語:sprout up, pop up, emerge

cater (要求、ニーズなどを)満たす
can’t see oneself in ~ ~することが考えられない、想像できない
repeated back to (someone) 復唱されて(人)に戻る
