
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習




<Brianはお金のことで困っています。兄のVincent が救いの手を差し伸べようとしています。>

Vincent: OK, so how much will the car repairs cost?
Brian: Don’t worry about it. I can handle it.
Vincent: Come on, cough it up! How much?
Brian: Really, Vince. I don’t need you to lend me money.
Vincent: What, you think I’d leave my own brother high and dry?
Brian: No, no, I know you’re always there for me, and I really appreciate the help but…
Vincent: Come on, Brian. Just let me chip in a little.
Brian: OK, but only a little bit.
Vincent: Well, how about I just pay for all of it now and you pay me back when you can?
Brian: No way, that’s too much!
Vincent: You’re my own flesh and blood! Nothing’s too much.
Brian: I don’t know… Let me think about it a bit longer.


“cough it up” 白状する


Belle: I didn’t buy that much, I swear.
Regina: Cough it up, Belle. How much did you spend?
Belle: そんなにたくさん買ってないわ、本当よ。
Regina: 正直に言いなさい、Belle。いくら使ったの?
“leave (someone) high and dry” ~を見捨てる


例)Sayid は友人Myraの引っ越しを手伝うと約束しています。
Myra: Are you sure you can help me tomorrow? There’s no way I can move all this stuff by myself.
Sayid: Don’t worry. There’s no way I’d leave you high and dry.
Myra: 明日引っ越し手伝ってくれるの大丈夫だよね?ひとりで全部運ぶなんて、絶対無理だから。
Sayid: 心配しないで。君のことを見捨てるわけがないじゃん。
“chip in” お金を出し合う


Lester: I have no idea what to get Janet!
Elijah: Me and a few other people are buying a big gift together. If you want, you can chip in!
Lester: Janetに何買ってあげたらいいか、さっぱりわからないよ!
Elijah: 何人かで一緒に大きなプレゼントを買うつもりなの。よかったら、加わりなよ!
“(one’s) own flesh and blood” 肉親


Amy: I’m not going to lend it to you. You’ll just lose it or break it.
Perry: Come on, sis. Is that how you treat your own flesh and blood?
Amy: あなたに私の電話は貸さないわよ。なくしたり、壊したりするから。
Perry: お願いだよ、お姉ちゃん。それが血のつながった弟に対する仕打ち?
