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Chocolate may soon have less fat thanks to new process

Read the article to find out how chocolate can be made with less fat.

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If you love chocolate, this could be good news for you! Researchers in the US have discovered a new way to remove fat from chocolate using electricity. The researchers say it tastes the same as normal chocolate.

Chocolate bars are usually made from cocoa, sugar, and a lot of fat. In fact, a chocolate bar can consist of up to 40% fat. Fat helps create chocolate’s unique taste, but it’s also an important part of how chocolate is manufactured.

Most chocolate we eat is made in factories. Chocolate made in factories starts as a liquid. This liquid chocolate needs to move through pipes inside the factory before it’s made into chocolate bars. Fat keeps liquid chocolate smooth and prevents it from getting stuck in factory pipes.

Chocolate makers were looking for a new way to help liquid chocolate move through pipes smoothly. Researchers at Temple University in the US discovered that when liquid chocolate passes through electricity, it can move more easily.

Usually, the cocoa in chocolate is shaped like very small balls. The small balls are not organized. Because the cocoa is not organized, liquid chocolate moves slowly and can get stuck in factory pipes. However, an electric shock can cause the small balls to flatten a bit and line up into short chains, which are much more organized and take up less space. This allows the liquid chocolate to move more smoothly and quickly.

Using the new technique, the fat in a chocolate bar can be reduced from the usual 40% down to only about 30%. Lead researcher Rongjia Tao said, “The treated chocolate has a wonderful taste. Some people even claim […] better than the original chocolate.”

The technique could lead to the development of new chocolate bars with less fat and fewer calories. Mars Chocolate, the company that makes Snickers and M&Ms, has agreed to give money for further research. The researchers said, “We are thus expecting a new class of healthier and tastier chocolate products soon.”

If you love chocolate, this could be good news for you! Researchers in the US learned a new way to lower the fat in chocolate using electricity. The researchers say it tastes the same as normal chocolate.

Chocolate bars are usually made from cocoa, sugar, and a lot of fat. In fact, a chocolate bar can be up to 40% fat. Fat helps create chocolate’s taste, but it’s also important for making chocolate.

Most chocolate we eat is made in factories. Chocolate made in factories starts as a liquid. This liquid chocolate needs to move to different places inside the factory before becoming chocolate bars. Fat keeps liquid chocolate smooth and helps it move through pipes inside the factory.

Chocolate makers wanted a new way to help liquid chocolate move smoothly. Researchers at Temple University in the US learned that after liquid chocolate moves through electricity, it can move more easily.

Normally, the cocoa in chocolate looks like very small balls. The small balls of cocoa are not organized. Liquid chocolate moves slowly and can cause problems inside the factory because the cocoa is not organized. However, an electric shock can make the small balls a bit flat and help them move in lines. These lines are more organized and take up less space. Then liquid chocolate can move faster and more smoothly.

The new system can lower the amount of fat in a chocolate bar from 40% to about 30%. The leader of the study is researcher Rongjia Tao. He said the new low-fat chocolate tastes great.

The new system could make chocolate bars with less fat and fewer calories. Mars Chocolate is the company that makes Snickers and M&Ms. This company has agreed to give money for further research. The researchers said, “We are thus expecting a new class of healthier and tastier chocolate products soon.”


could be

~かもしれない、~ということもあり得る、などの可能性を表すときに使われます。“may be” や “might be” でも可能性を表すことができます。

例:It could be true.

“could”・“should”・“would” の使い方


■ could

例:I could run really fast when I was a kid.
「~できる」の “can” と “be able to”、どう違う?

例:I could ask him for some help.

例:Could you file these reports for me, please?


■ should

例:You should try to stop smoking.
“should” と “had better”、どっちがきつい言い方?

例:He should take better care of his pets.

例:I should be able to speak Japanese by now.


■ would

例:I would buy a house if I won the lottery.

例:I would love a coffee a right now.

例:Would you pass me the salt, please.


electricity 電気
consist of ~ ~で構成される


例:The team consists of five men and five women.

up to ~  最大(最高)で~まで
manufacture 製造する
through ~ ~を通り抜けて
look for ~ ~を探す

使いこなす句動詞 “look for”

organized 整理された、まとめられた
flatten 平らにする
a bit 少し

数量・程度などがわずかであるという意味です。同じ意味で、“a little bit” という言い方もできます。

例:I wasn’t very hungry so I only ate a bit of dinner.

treated chocolate 処理されたチョコレート
thus 従って、だから

前述の事実や状況から導かれる結果や結論を表すときに使われる表現です。“therefore” や “consequently” も同様の表現です。”thus” は改まった印象を与える表現なので、日常会話などで使われることは少なく、書き言葉で使われることが多いです。

例:They wanted to reduce shipping costs, thus they looked for a new courier company.
