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Why is playing many different sports better than playing only one?

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Read the article about what the Women’s Sports Foundation found out about the benefits of playing more than one sport.
Women’s Sports Foundation(女性スポーツ財団)が発表した複数のスポーツを行うメリットについて、記事を読んでみましょう。

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Many people believe that the best way to become an excellent athlete is to focus on only one sport and work hard on improving one’s skills in that one sport as much as possible. However, it may actually be beneficial to play a variety of sports. This could help prevent injuries, reduce the chance of getting bored of a sport, and develop a more varied set of skills.

A recent report by the Women’s Sports Foundation found that people who play multiple sports experience several benefits. The report looked at 14,049 teenagers in the US for five years. Researchers found that 62% of people who played multiple sports exercised every day, compared to only 39% of people who played only one sport. They also found that people who played multiple sports got more sleep. 37% got seven or more hours of sleep, compared to 32% of single-sport athletes.

Other benefits included being more likely to eat green vegetables every day (45.4% compared to 40%), being more likely to eat fruit every day (57.3% compared to 47.5%), and being less likely to smoke (13.4% compared to 15.0%). In general, the people who played multiple sports said they felt happier and more confident.

One problem with playing only one sport all year round is that it increases the chance of injuries. By using the same muscles continuously, there is a risk of muscle strain. However, playing different sports requires different movements and uses different muscles, reducing the strain on muscles. One study found that athletes who specialize in one sport are 70% more likely to get an injury than those who play more than one sport.

In the US, only 37.4% of teenagers play more than one sport. This might be because parents believe focusing on one sport gives their children the best chance of being successful. However, this might not be the best idea after all. For young people, there are even more benefits to playing more than one sport. As participating in sports allows young people to socialize and make friends, being able to play in all seasons increases the number of opportunities to make social connections. It might also be good to explore different interests while young rather than limit oneself to a single sport.

There is more strong evidence to support the idea that playing multiple sports is better than playing one. A report found that 71% of the highest-level college football players in the US played multiple sports in high school. For runners, 87% of the highest-level women and 91% of the highest-level men played multiple sports in high school.

Most people understand that eating a healthy diet requires variety. With a number of studies and reports all pointing to the same conclusion, it seems that the same is true of sports as well.

Many people believe that the best way to become a great athlete is to play only one sport. This way, an athlete can work hard on getting better at that one sport. However, it may be better to play a few different sports. This could help athletes get fewer injuries and stop them from getting bored of a sport. It could also give them a wider set of skills.

There was a recent report by the Women’s Sports Foundation. The report showed that playing more than one sport has many merits. The report looked at 14,049 teenagers in the US for five years. Researchers found that 62% of people who played more than one sport exercised every day. Only 39% of people who played only one sport exercised every day. They also found that people who played more than one sport got more sleep. 37% of multiple-sport athletes got seven or more hours of sleep. Only 32% of single-sport athletes got seven or more hours.

Athletes who played more than one sport had a higher chance of eating green vegetables every day (45.4% compared to 40%). They also had a higher chance of eating fruit every day (57.3% compared to 47.5%). Also, there was less chance that they smoked (13.4% compared to 15.0%). The people who played more than one sport also said they felt happier.

Another study showed that athletes who play only one sport have a 70% higher chance of getting an injury. This is because when an athlete uses the same muscles all the time, those muscles get very tired. However, different sports use different movements and different muscles. This causes less stress for the muscles.

In the US, only 37.4% of teenagers play more than one sport. Maybe this is because parents believe their children will have more success by playing only one sport. However, this might not be the best idea. For young people, there are even more merits to playing more than one sport. Doing sports helps young people to make friends. Being able to play in all seasons gives them more chances to make friends. It might also be good to try many different interests while young.

There have been more studies that show playing many different sports is better. A report showed that 71% of the highest-level college football players in the US played more than one sport in high school. For runners, 87% of the highest-level women played more than one sport in high school. 91% of the highest-level men played more than one sport.

Most people understand that eating many different kinds of foods is important for being healthy. These studies all seem to show that variety is important in sports as well.


beneficial  有益な
a variety of ~ さまざまな~
get bored of ~ ~に飽きる


例:I used to love this song, but I got bored of it after they started playing it so often.

multiple 多数の


例:There were multiple issues with the proposal.

continuously 連続して


例:You have to live and work in the UK for five years continuously before you can apply for permanent residence.

muscle strain 肉離れ、筋を違えること
specialize 専門にする
after all 結局のところ


例:It was supposed to be a sunny day but it rained after all.

socialize 交流する、(社交上)付き合う
explore 探索する


例:Let’s go for a walk and explore the area around the hotel.

healthy diet 健康的な食事