
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習





Eliza: Ugh, I’ve had it up to here with school. I can’t wait to graduate.
Becky: Well, graduation is soon, and all the exams are finished. Why are you in such a bad mood?
Eliza: I can’t stop thinking about that last History exam.
Becky: You didn’t do well?
Eliza: Yeah… It’ll look terrible on my college applications.
Becky: It can’t be that bad!
Eliza: No, really. I totally bombed it. I wish I could go back in time and do it again.
Becky: Hey, stop worrying so much. You’re out of the woods now. Just look forward to graduations.
Eliza: Wow, Becky. Your positivity never ceases to amaze me.
Becky: You should give it a try sometime. You’ll feel so much better.
Eliza: Thanks, I will.


“have it up to here” これ以上我慢できない


Claudia: So, Gary was supposed to be here by now, but he seems to be late again.
Tyson: Ugh, that’s so annoying. I’ve had it up to here with him being late all the time.
Claudia: ところで、Garyってもうここに来てるはずなのに、また遅刻みたいね。
Tyson: まじで迷惑なんだけど。あいつの遅刻癖には、もう我慢の限界だよ。
“bomb (something)” 試験で失敗する


Dylan: That test was so easy! I bet I’ll get a perfect score!
Lucas: Are you serious?! I’m pretty sure I bombed that test.
Dylan: あのテストすごく簡単だったな。きっと満点取れると思うよ。
Lucas: うそだろ?俺は間違いなくひどい出来だったよ。
“out of the woods” 困難を切り抜けた


Jamal: Hey, how’s your dog doing? Is he feeling any better?
Colleen: Yeah, he’s better, thanks! His surgery was successful, so he’s out of the woods now.
Jamal: ねえ、君んちの犬の具合はどう?少しはよくなったのかな?
Colleen: うん、よくなってる。手術は成功したから、もう峠は越えたと思うわ。
“(something) never ceases to amaze” ~にはいつも驚かされる


Monica: Anyway, here’s the recipe. We can try something else next week.
Suzy: How did you memorize all these recipes? You never cease to amaze me, Mom.
Monica: さてと、これがレシピね。来週も何か違うものを作ってみたらいいわ。
Suzy: どうやってこういうレシピを全部覚えていられるの?お母さんにはいつも驚かされるわ。
